Bundeswehr Universität Helmut-Schmidt
The PGL has successfully implemented various renovation measures for the Helmut Schmidt University of the German Armed Forces. Several student dormitories were planned and realized with the complete gutting of the previous building and the building shell was extensively renewed in accordance with monument protection requirements.
During the ongoing use, the PGL also supervised the complete refurbishment of the laboratory building with fire protection upgrades, the redesign of the floor plans to meet changed usage requirements and the replacement of the roof.
■ Renovation of the listed facade
■ Gutting of the building and reconstruction of the interior
■ Redesign of the floor plans
■ Development and implementation of the belt protection concept
■ Flughafen Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg
■ Zollfahndungsamt, Hamburg
■ Upper Eastside, Berlin
■ Alten Wall 55 , Hamburg
■ Evangelisches Krankenhaus Ludwigslust
■ Bundeswehr Universität Helmut-Schmidt
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